Tech ventures: The Bluetooth module(HC-05 zs-040)

The Bluetooth module was quite easy to understand. Though, there were some of the things that i noted and i would like to share with you so that you will even take a shorter time when you want to use it.

HC-05 has 6 header pins(the STATE, RXD, TXD, GND, VCC, EN).
It can work as both master and slave. This means that it can either initiate a connection or accept a connection from another device.

Activating AT mode:
  • Ensure that pin 34 is connected to 3.3v.
  • With all the pins connected, disconnect the HC-05 from a power source.
  • Start pressing the button below the EN header pin and switch on the module while doing it.
  • Notice that the LED starts blinking slowly.
You are now in AT mode which allows you to view and change the Bluetooth settings e.g the name of the module, the baud rate, whether or not it operates in master of slave mode. e.t.c.


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