The digital weigh-scale(The LCD)
But, I will take my time and explain it a little bit and leave you with some of the reading materials that really helped me.
The Libraries will always help you navigate. They always help me figure out what questions I need an answer to as there is a lot of functionality you'll discover hence a lot to learn. Always take your time.
The MCUFriend is a resistive touchscreen. There are various types of touchscreens, the common ones being the capacitive and resistive ones.
I say its resistive because, as you will notice, you will always be required to give a range in which you will apply pressure on to it. As you can seebelow.
The MCUFriend has a couple of pins. As shown below.
LCD_RST - As the name suggests, its responsible for resetting the LCD.
LCD_CS - LCD chip select
LCD_RS - LCD register select
LCD_WR - LCD write
LCD_RD - LCD read
GND - Ground
5V - 5V
3V - 3V
LCD-D1 to LCD-D7 - these are digital pins (data bit 0 to data bit 7)
SD_SS - SD slave select
SD_D1 - SD serial data in
SD_D0 - SD serial data out
SD_SCK -SD serial clock
Look at this pdf for more info: MCUFriend Explained
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