Tech Venture 101: The digital weigh-scale project(Part one)

So, I am still working on this project, though i just thought it would be nice to share my experience and hopefully get to finish it up ASAP.

For starters, Arduino is something you should really consider trying. Its so fun and you get to learn a lot and put your coding skills, research ability and technical skills to work. You need to experience it.

I wil start with a basic introduction of Arduino and the modules and technologies we will be using.

Well, Arduino has a variety of boards (from different manufacturers) you can choose from. Some of them include UNO(Most common), Mega, Red, LilyPad, Leonardo etc. I will be using Arduino Mega.

Arduino is open source and I guess thats why I love it the more. If you don't have it installed, visit Arduino to get it.

What we need for these project.

1. Arduino board and Software

The Arduino software basically uses a set of c/c++ functions as its programming language (The Arduino programming language.
An understanding of C++ is required as you will need to go through libraries and make corrections if need be and at times even make your own libraries.

2. A load cell, of course.

 A load cell is a transducer that is used to create an electrical signal whose magnitude is directly proportional to the force being measured. There are various types e.g.  hydraulic, pneumatic, and strain gauge. 

I will be using the strain gauge. 30kg max weight.
3. HX711 Load cell Amplifier

HX711 is a precision 24-bit analog to-digital converter (ADC) designed for weigh scales and industrial control applications to interface directly with a bridge sensor.

4. A Bluetooth Module(Not necessary).

Well, to spice it up abit, I decided to add a bluetooth module. I am still not yet sure what I will do with it but hopefully, I will have figured it out before I get to it.

FYI i'm open to ideas. Please share with me what you think I could do.
5. The Code.
And lastly, I will finish up with sharing the code from my project. You are allowed to share yours too.

NB: you need lots of jumper wires and a breadboard.

Most of this items can be purchased online. If you need more information or you are unable to get to decide, just tell me on the comments below and I will help you.



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